Monday, August 08, 2016

Five Minute Fridays: Happy

My husband and I have been part of a writer's group for years now.  The host family may be moving soon, and our group has to decide where and if we will continue.  One of our members faithfully contributes to Five Minute Fridays.  I would like to try to adopt this habit.  The idea is to write for five minutes on a word prompt that is released to participants on a Thursday at 10pm on the blog site:
Five Minute Fridays.  If I understand correctly, the prompt given on Thursday evening, August 4, 2016 is Happy.

Sometimes I just discover that I am happy.  It is just a peaceful contented feeling.  It surprises me when I am grateful or sometimes it just sneaks up on me and I realize that I am happy.  Circumstances may be part of happiness, but not always. Making a call to a friend that I haven't seen, reaching out, taking time to do something that I've wanted to do for a long time; these may be triggers. Faith gives me hope and has always reminded me of the comfort and safety that God the father provides, and even in bad times, knowing that He is is a source of happiness.  If I'm honest, I'm editing this post more than I'm supposed to.